"Seek the PEACE and PROSPERITY of the city and you too will prosper"
on earth as it is
As we have grown, we have learned that the church is not a lifeless building, but rather, it is a loving, encouraging, and vibrant body of believers. Yes! The church consists of sons and daughters who have opportunity to life in live connection with the most amazing Father - a loving God who empowers His people and delights in who they are.
It's our joy to release kingdom in every moment, and love on all the family of heaven in our community, nation, and planet. Nothing and no one is exempt from the love of God.
Through a glorious journey Papa God has lead us into the very crux of our community. Through the verse in Jeremiah "seek the peace and prosperity of the city and you too will prosper" and the understanding that Kingdom living isnt just about church on a Sunday, we have found ourselves owning businesses in our local community. It's an honour to be such a key part of our local community. W currently run Culcairn Bakery, Bargain Basement Gifts, Kingdom Ink, Edna goes to Africa, School of Creative Arts and the School of Original Design.
As the community flourishes, it continously delights us to be where we are for such a time as this!
any comments
or enquiries ?
growth + freedom.
Harvestlands has grown in Culcairn since 2001. It was orchestrated and planted by Pastors Paul and Jo Wilksch - two amazing parents to our church and local community. They have led by being themselves and by allowing God to breathe His bigger picture through them.
Our church incorporates strong foundations of prophecy and worship; we live with excitement because Papa continues to reveal more of His goodness every single day.
awaits for
His children
With Thanks and honour to:
School of Original Design (SOD) Testimonies.
Expanding the possibility of the unfathomable unlocks my potential for disclosure and begins a showcase of consequence; allowing the intention of me to come into effect. I am lovely, I am beautiful, and I am a perfect balance of delightful complexity, deliberately arranged to draw things into existence as only I can.
Emily Graham
I've definitely seen a massive shift in the season of my life and the season of Harvestlands. God is doing ridiculously amazing things and He’s just getting started.
Jacob Wilksch
One highlight of SOD has been 'breaking up with' fear. I could not have foreseen how much of my life and relationships was affected by being bound by fear. Now I am free to make decisions in faith and to trust God and people. To see the best in myself and trust the Spirit in me. I'm only just beginning to see the dramatic effects of this change!
Tessa-Jean Tuttle
For us to say this year has been hard would not give it justice, but I know that with the end of SOD 2014 on the horizon I can say it has strengthened up the core values in life, it has forced me to lose the thinking that has historically defined me, and helped me to grab hold of the DNA of that which is inside of me.
Matthew Lieschke