Pastors Paul & Jo Wilksch
Senior Leadership and Pioneers Of Harvestlands Church, Culcairn
Paul and Jo are accredited CRC pastors who have a hunger for God's Kingdom to be realised in this nation and beyond. With worship as a core value of Harvestlands, Paul and Jo have deliberately pursued an atmosphere conducive to raw intimacy, signs and wonders, and authentic communion with the Living God.
With a heart for 'more', they have, together with their team, intentionally created an open space where all believers understand they are legitimate ministers of the Word 24/7, in whatever format they identify with.
Paul and Jo understand the historic prophetic declaration spoken over the nation of Australia centuries ago: 'the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit'. Understanding this declaration has provided them inspiration to minister through community in order to see their part in 'Great South Land' come to pass.
Paul and Jo Wilksch
Pastor Wayne Muller
Kids Church Pastor at Harvestlands Church, Culcairn
"I love community. I love seeing people connect and grow in affection for each other. I love seeing people draw the gold out in each other. I love seeing people inspire others to reach their destiny. I especially have a passion to see children of all ages encounter Jesus in a real way and come to know Him as their heavenly Dad who is loving all the time, and who wants true freedom for every single one of them.
He is the God of friendship and connection and longs to see the generations connected. I know that He wants to restore the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers.
The most powerful community comes through people that are connected with the God who designed us for community. He has the blueprint for our communities to grow in peace, prosperity, love, and life - seeing His Kingdom come to earth. Growing in our connection with Him can only grow more of His Kingdom
I love heavenly Dad. I love this family. I love community. And I love seeing people hungry for more of His Kingdom here on earth."
As I sit and ponder the things that God has done for and through us, I am amazed. This has been an intense
season of growing and pursuing Gods’ presence, discovering who He is, our identity, and our destiny.'
'...He has blessed us with so much wealth in each person, and He is delighted to partner with us in His kingdom work. I feel a great expectation as we continue to host His presence. As we do, He will lead us on to the next leg of His journey. I believe God is opening us up to many possibilities to advance His kingdom as we stay close to His heart beat.'
Pastor Paul Wilksch, APM booklet
Neil & Fiona Muller
Being a part of the Founding team of Harvestlands, we have a passion to see God move in our region. We love to see men and women - especially the younger generation - rise up with a hunger and expectation for God to move miraculously in every life.
We have both come from a background of generational farming, so we understand the spiritual principal of sowing and reaping and how it relies upon Gods provision.
We have seen and experienced firsthand the Miraculous. We have learned (and are still learning) what it is to follow our Fathers voice.
We have a strong desire to see people trained and released into their destiny. This means journeying with them, seeing their foundations in God laid and grown stronger, forging great relationships, and celebrating others' victories.
To be able to serve with Pastors Paul and Jo, and the rest of the Harvestlands family, is a great honour. It is mixed with lots of fun, love and laughter- and everything else that has the ingredients of being ‘Family’.
Wayne Muller
Neil and Fiona Muller
The Bible contains many references to vision. Sometimes vision is referenced as the ability to plan ahead and pioneer something new (Prov 29:18), sometimes it is described as a supernatural encounter (2 Cor 12:2, Acts 10:11), and at other times it involves the physical act of looking. No matter the type of vision we employ at Harvestlands - whether by "seeing" forward physically, mentally, or spiritually - our desire is that our eyes, hearts and minds rest in the Father.
Our corporate vision at Harvestlands has grown and transformed over the years, and so too have our people. From our very inception, our heart has been to 'seek the peace and prosperity of the city', and 'when it prospers, you too will prosper' (Jeremiah 29:7).
Every adventure we have embarked upon since those formative years has presented us with opportunity to journey deeper into relationship with the Father. We have learned more of His ways, heard more of His heart, and made ourselves more available to His Kingdom. As we invest ourselves into living as Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom, we are excited to see what the future holds - especially as we 'see and do what the Father does'.
So, for the practicality of explaining our heart in the best way possible, we would love for you to come and meet us! We love worship, and we adore spending time with Father God and receiving the revelation that each new day with Him brings.