Kingdom Ink and Bargain Basement
Changes are coming!
For over a decade Bargain Basement Gifts has been stationed down the main Street of Culcairn, being an asset and a value for the community, not only for sales but as a place where discussions are started, prayer is offered and worship is released.
We are at a transition point with Bargain Basement, seeking and forming ideas of what it will be for the future, finding that we really want to fine tune exactly what Culcairn needs, and to offer this in the best way possible. There is a season coming with new breezes and fragrances from Heaven that we are eager in exploring!
Kingdom Ink has had it's doors open since November 2013 and has given the community something a bit different to savour. Quirky furnishings, original artwork, retro giftware, and rustic gardenware are just some ideas to decribe the interesting array of things we have instore!
We know that as transitions happen with Bargain Basement, transitions will happen with Kingdom Ink also, but we know that something is brewing.... and it will be amazing to see how it all unfolds.
Open Monday-Friday 9-5pm and Saturday 9-1pm!
Maybe with this transition an online store may manifest.....!! We will keep you updated! ...but for the time being, check our the links below!